Bullseye, 2014
Jeff Badger + Brett Plymale

Fingerprint Portraits
November 20, 2014
presented as part of citydrift
first photo courtesy Mariah Bergeron
thanks to site host OhNo Cafe


Drawn & Cornered
Jeff Badger +
Harold Philbrook
performance at Portland Museum of Art

Friday December 7, 2012

This performance was one of fourteen installations and happenings that made up Nightlight, an artist "intervention" organized by Kimberly Convery.

Gorilla in the City, 2000

A. Gorilla gets a taste of New York with his first job interview. Written by Jeff Badger. Cinematography and editing by Tim Bartlett. Produced and directed by Sean Cassels. Music by Custardpaws and Mr. Freezy.